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                               Виховний захід
                          для учнів 4 A классу
                             « Happy English»
Цілі: формувати комунікативну компетенцію учнів на основі вивчених ЛО з тем «Велика Британія», «Покупки», «Свята».
практичні: активізувати знання, вмін­ня й навички учнів;
            перевірити засвоєння лексичного матеріалу з тем;
            активізувати вживання ЛО з тем в усному мовленні;
            розвивати на­вички аудіювання із загальним розумінням змісту й до­буванням      певної інформації;
            розвивати навички усного мовлення;
           перевірити рівень засвоєння країнознавчо­го матеріалу;
 освітні: сприяти формуванню соціокультурної компетенції учнів;
 розвивати кругозір учнів, розширити загальні відомості про країну, мова якої вивчають;
розвивавальні: розвивати здатність дітей до розподілу уваги, до аналізу й синтезу пропонованого матеріалу; розвивати логічне мислення, пам'ять, мовну здогадку;
 виховні: підвищити інтерес учнів до вивчен­ня іноземної мови; виховувати поважне ставлення до культури, традицій, історії країни, мову якої вивчають.

Обладнання: ноутбук, мультимедійний проектор, картинки з видами Великобританії, прапори Велико­британії, Англії, Шотландії, Уельса, Північної Ірландії, те­матичні картинки.

Привітання, підготовка класу до уроку
Звучить музика. На дошці — таблиця, де бу­дуть записувати бали, отримані кожною командою.

I team
II team

T. Glad to meet you, dear boys and girls, guests and teachers. Today we have an unusual lesson, we are having a competition, Happy  English(слайд 1)
Two teams are taking part in our competition. Let's greet them. One is..., the captain is... The se­cond one is..., the captain is... Let's get acquainted with you. Tell us a little about your team.(слайд 2)

Мовленнєва зарядка
Представлення команд шляхом розповіді їхніх учасників про себе, свої інтереси, команду.
Т. Take your seats at your desks, please. Be­fore starting the game I would like to introduce the members of our jury. Well, now let's begin.I wish you success. Be attentive! Listen to the rules of the game, please:( Слайд4)

II. ОСНОВНА ЧАСТИНА Перевірка засвоєння ЛО з теми Кросворд
Т. Well, let's define the team which will be the first to begin.
Task 1.(слайд5,6,7)
T. Read the list of words . Then write them down into 4 columns. Write what you can buy at baker's, newsagent's, chemist's, clothes.


Medicine, magazines, jeans, newspapers, sham­poo, postcards, toothpaste, dresses, coat, pens, bis­cuits, copybooks, cakes, soap, badge, pies, trousers, bread, hats, rolls.
Task 2(Слайд 8,9)
T. Listen to the definitions and try to guess what word is described.

1.It is a place in a large shop.
2.This is a place where you can buy a medicine.
3 They sell meat here.
4.One who makes and sells bread and rolls.
5.You can come here if you need a newspaper or a magazine.
6.This is a place, usually outside or in a large build­ing where you can buy different things.

Keys: 1 department; 2 chemists; 3 butchers; 4 baker; 5 newsagents; 6 market.

Task 3(Слайд 10,11)

T. Answer the questions.
1.Where can you buy medicine?
2.Where do they sell meat?
3.What can you buy at the newsagent's?
4.What do they sell at the baker's?
Task 4(слайд12,13)
Choosing Topical Words
-People in shops

Task 5(слайд 14,15)

Make up dialogues.

 1)          A: - Emma, will you help me?
           B: - Yes, Mummy.
           A: - Then, please, go shopping. I want to cook something for dinner.
           B: - What should I buy?
           A: - Buy some milk, some sugar, some butter and eggs. And don’t forget to buy salt. We usually forget to buy it.
           B: - OK, Mum.
           A: - Good morning! Can I help you?
           B: - Yes, I’d like a pair of trousers, please.
           A: - A pair of trousers?
           B: - Yes. And a T-shirt, please.
           A: - I am sorry, we don’t have a pair of trousers or a T-shirt.
           B: - Why?
           A: - Because this is the baker’s shop!

Task 6


Завдання для глядачів.Загадки.(Слайди 16-24)

Task  7  (слайд 27-34)

What do you know about the customs and traditions of English-Speaking countries ?

 Task 8

Find the odd words

Task 9

Fill in the gaps


Now  we have finished all the tasks and it’s time to announce the winner .
According to the scores and jury’s decision we can congratulate the team of
with the victory and present them with medals.

Thank you both teams for the participation. Good bye.

  Виховний захід до дня Святого Валентина у 11 класі
P1: Ladies and gentlemen! It’s lovely to meet you here, at Valentine’s party! Love!

Happiness! Beauty! There are not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words. Today you have an excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of love and camaraderie and to practice the use of some pleasant words and expressions on this special occasion.

P2: Happy   St. Valentine’s Day! St. Valentine is the patron saint of lovers and on the 14th of February young men and women declare their feelings to each other. Today we are celebrating this holiday. (a song)
It is interesting to know how this holiday came into being.
St. Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends. Let’s listen to some of them.

P1: One legend says that a long line ago, there was a priest in Rome. His name was Valentine. Claudius II, who was the Emperor at that time, made a law against marring, because he needed strong solders and thought that a married man would prefer to stay at home with his wife instead of going to war. But Valentine felt sorry for young people who were in love and he married them secretly. When, Emperor Claudius found it out, he sentenced Valentine to death. Valentine was executed on February 14. And since that time this day has been celebrated by all who were in love as their holiday.
P2:  Isn't that nice?! And I know another legend. It is also about the man whose name was Valentine. He also lived in Rome when Claudius II was the Emperor. He was helping Christians. Claudius was pagan as many of the people of those times and hated Christians. So, when he learned that Valentine was helping Christians, he put him to jail. Valentine fell in love with the jailer's daugh­ter. And the legend says that on February 14, when Valentine was executed, she got a massage that said, "From your Valentine". When the Christianity became the religion of Rome the 14 of February became a Christian holiday.
P1: There is a beautiful custom in England. On February, 14th, every St. Valentine’s Day thousands of people travel to a small village on Scotland’s border with England to get married. The village is called Gretna Green. Its romantic reputation began in 1754. At that time in England marriage for people under the age of 21 without parents’ permission was banned. However, in Scotland, this permission was not required. Gretna Green was the first stop across the border. Many young couples came to Gretna Green to get married there. Nowadays in this place, at least one couple gets married every day of the year. Weddings on St. Valentine’s Day have to be booked for 3 months in advance. On this day sweethearts exchange greetings of affection of love. (a dance)
P1: In the early nineteenth century people started to send Valentine’s cards to the person they loved on February 14. The cards had pictures of flowers and birds on, and words inside like:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet, my love,
But not as sweet as you.
People still send each other Valentine’s cards, but often they do not write their names inside. They just write “Be my Valentine”, or “from your Valentine”. It is a kind of game.

P2: There are many symbols on Valentine Cards. And each has its special meaning. A fan shows that you open your heart to a person you love. A ribbon shows that you want to be tied to another special person. A ring is a symbol of love and binding to another person. When a man gives a ring to a woman they are engaged. Lace shows that you want a special person to be caught in the net of your heart. A red mitten is a sign that you don’t like someone. So when a person gives you a red mitten he says “I don’t like you”. A coin shows you will marry a wealthy person. So if someone gives you a coin he or she is wishing you to be wealthy.
P1: There are all kinds of Valentine Cards, to suit all tastes, the red hearts, gold arrows, cupids, candies in the form of hearts – it’s all there. According to the statistics about 30 million cards are sent by February, 14th. And not all are cheap stuff.
Some cards costs from 6 to 15 dollars. But some “lovers” want to pay more. They send a necklace and earrings for 25 thousand dollars or a gold lace for 21 thousand dollars. And if anyone buys them…well, it must be love.
P2: It’s here again, the day when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours and even the office staff will exchange greetings of affection undying love. And the quick and modern way to do it is with the help of  Valentine’s cards. (Children show their Valentines and read short poems).
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
And so are you.

   Look up and down,
And you will see
That I love you
Do you love me?

 Here is the key,
to my heart.
Please, use it
Before I changed the lock.

 If all the girls
Were across the sea
What a good swimmer
You will be.

 My pen is black
My ink is pale
My love to you
Will never end.
P1: And do you know what love is?
P2: Let`s see what some famous people said about it:
(По слайдам)
Loving is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction.
Antoine de Saint Exupery, a  French aristocrat, writer, poet, and pioneering aviator.
 Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life.
Leo Buscaglia , an American author and motivational speaker, and a professor
 Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.
Peter Ustinov, an English actor, writer and dramatist
True love stories never have endings.
Richard David Bach , an American writer.
Who, being loved, is poor?
Oscar Wilde , an Irish writer and poet.
Where there is love, there is life.
Mahatma Gandhi, a  prominent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India.
When love is not madness, it is not love.
Pedro Calderon de la Barca, a dramatist, poet and writer of the Spanish Golden Age
It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
Alfred Tennyson , a Poet Laureate of Great Britain and Ireland
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Lao-Tzu, a philosopher of ancient China
P 2: And let’s see what children think about love (по слайдам):
Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.
Love is when mummy gives daddy the best piece of chicken.
Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it every day.
Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.
P2: A lot of poets and writers express their feelings about love through poems, novels and plays. Listen to one of such poems written by … (a poem)
P1: St. Valentine’s Day is a day of choosing sweethearts and the method of choosing sweethearts varied in different times and places. It could be a serious matter leading to marriage, or it could be a kind of a game. Now we will tell you about some of the ways how the English girls get to know their fortunes on St. Valentine’s Eve.
-APPLE’S SEEDS. They take an apple, cut it into four parts, count the seeds from the apple and find the fortune in the poem  
                          One- I love
Two- I love
Three – I love, I say
Four – I love with all my heart,
Five – I coast away,
Six – he loves
Seven – she loves,
Eight – they both love,
Nine – he comes,
Ten – he tarries,
Eleven – he courts,
Twelve – he marries.
P2: - VALENTINE…FIRST PERSON SEEN . The belief is universal that if you are single, the first unmarried person you meet outside the house on Valentine’s day will exercise an important influence over your future destiny.

P1: - COCK AND HEN ON ST. VALENTINE’S MORNING. In the early morning of the day young women would look through the keyhole of the house door. It they saw only a single object, or person, they would go alone all that year. If they saw two or more, they would be sure to have a sweetheart, but if they saw a cock and a hen, they might be quite certain of being married before the year was out.

P2: -THE DREAM OF YOUR SWEETHEART. Take two bay leaves, sprinkle them with rose water; the evening of this day, lay them across under your pillow and say…
Good Valentine, be kind to me,
In dreams let me my true love see.
So crossing your legs, go to sleep… you will see the party you are to marry in a dream. ( …)

P1: In Ukraine girls take some leaves of chamomile and say: loves –does not love, loves- does not love.
 P2:  In Italy a young girl would stand at her window for half an hour before sunrise. The first man to appear would be her husband! If no one went by, she would not be married that year!
P1 : In Germany girls tried another way of learning whom they would marry. They planted onions on St. Valentine’s Day. Each onion has the man’s name. She thought she would marry the man whose onion sprouted first.
P2:  And in England young ladies wrote men’s names on scraps or paper, rolled each in a ball & dropped them into water. The 1st paper to appear on the surface had the name of the lady’s true love. (…..)
P1: Dear friends, guests! Our performance is over. We hope all of you liked our party. And we’d like to wish you LOVE, HAPPINESS and BEAUTY! Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! Good bye!

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